Category: Camp-News  Date: 2015-06-08
Garvey Returns

The Islander
Chamberlain, South Dakota, June, 1939
Company 4726 CCC
Lt. Dale Garvey, Former Junior Officer, Returns as Commander of Co. 4726
Transferred from Sand Lake to Fill Vacancy Left by Capt. Wade
Lieutenant Dale M. Garvey took command of Co. 4726 on June 2, returning to American Island after two and one-half months absence during which time he served as junior officer at the Columbia, S. Dak., CCC camp.
Lt. Garvey was assigned to CCC duty June 1, 1937, at the Blair, Neb., camp. He is a graduate of Kansas State college, Manhattan, Kansas . During the late summer of 1938 he was transferred to Co. 4726, then located at Presho, coming to American Island with the company in October. In April he was transferred to Columbia, returning here as commanding officer on June 2.
Having received an appointment to active duty with the army under the Thomason act*, Lt. Garvey received military training at Ft. Crook for one year before coming to CCC duty. A second lieutenant, the new commanding officer will receive his commission of 1st Lieutenant as an early date, it is expected.

*The Thomason Act gave permanent regular Army commissions to qualified reserve officers. During World War II, these officers were known as "Tommies."
The April 3, 1939, revision of the 1935 Thomason Act (Public Law 408, 74th Cong., 1st sess.) permitted the army to recruit 4,300 Reserve officers each year for one year's training with the Regular Army. At least 50 ground officers and up to 300 airmen could be selected from this group to receive commissions as second lieutenants in the Regular Army. The April 3 act also established the army's maximum commissioned strength at 16,719 beginning on July 1, 1939. (Public Law 18, 76th Cong., 1st sess.)
Lt. Dale Garvey, Former Junior Officer, Returns as Commander of Co. 4726