Lynus Sylvester Ryan (Pat)
Kimball, SD
1937, 2757, Narrows (Blue Bell), SP-3,
Lynus S. "Pat" Ryan, age 97, passed away December 8, 2016, at his home in Custer, South Dakota.
Wake services will be held 7:00 p.m., Thursday, December 15, 2016, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Custer, SD.
Funeral services will be held 10:00 a.m., Friday, December 16, 2016, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Custer.Chamberlain McColley's Funeral Home, Custer
On May 7, 2005 the Custer County Historical Society, Custer, SD was host to a program on the CCCs which included Peggy Sanders as moderator, Custer residents Pat Ryan, Melvin Hieremeyer, and Fred Fernbaugh, Company 1791, Camp Custer, F-12 and from Rapid City, Alvin Ellerton, who was in Camp 793, Hill City in 1941.
The fifty people in attendance enjoyed hearing this from Pat Ryan who lives in Custer. "I was in was in Company 2757 Narrows, DSP-1 at Blue Bell, east of Custer during 1937 -1940. Through my first winter I worked on a road and bridge crew, doing handwork with shovels and rakes. We prepared a bridge site then sawed the timbers for the bridge east of Blue Bell - a bridge that is still in use. Melvin Heiermeyer was in the same camp. Eventually someone learned that I knew how to type and I was put into the park service office as a clerk, where I spent over two years. I got into the Army Air Corps in July of 1941, where I met lots new of people; you could tell which men were prior CCC enrollees as they knew how to make up their beds, how to take care of their uniforms, and keep their barracks clean."

On March 30, 2014, Lynus "Pat" Ryan of Custer South Dakota observed his 95th birthday, a few weeks early, with a ride in the rear seat of a P-51 Mustang, compliments of the Freedom Flyers. He was born April 2, 1919, near Kimball, SD.

Do you have additional information about Lynus Ryan
We would like to included it. Please write or email us at History "at" SouthDakotaCCC "dot" org.