Category: Collection  Date: 2016-04-26
CCC Museum of SD Photo Donations
Photos tell the story of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Men who did the work. The Digital Library
In 9 years (and a few preceding years) a lot can happen. A great depression, a drought, a political debate, and a "New Deal" all affected the lives and the surroundings of many, if not most, in the United States. In South Dakota the Civilian Conservation Corps made men of boys and those men changed the landscape of the state. We see the changes everywhere we just don't realize what we are looking at. Erosion control and improved wildlife habitat are but a couple of subtle changes to the landscape.
In the western part of South Dakota, especially the Black Hills, the dams and lakes, roadways and bridges, lookout towers and in Custer State Park the Peter Norbeck building and other structures are the result of the work of the CCC Men who from 1933 to 1942 improved the State as well as their own lives and the lives of their families.
At the Civilian Conservation Corp "CCC" Museum of South Dakota the discovered and donated photos and documents preserve the history and provide a glimpse of what those days were like.
As we catalog the hundreds if not thousands of photos and documents we'll build photo sets or albums, some small and some large, and share them with you. The photos of the stone Harney Peak lookout tower are always of interest. Built by the CCC it remains one of most recognizable and visited landmarks in South Dakota.
This album from a Stan Hawthorne is very interesting.
If you have photos or other memorabilia from the CCC day we would love to hear from you (history "at" southdakotaccc "dot" org) and be sure to visit the Museum and check the roster for familiar names.
Photo donations from CCC Boys tell a story.