The CCC Museum Store
Category: Books  Listing Date: 2019-03-28  Product ID: 101

South Dakota Railroads
Author: Mike Wiese and Tom Hayes
Publisher: Published by Arcadia
The arrival of the railroad in South Dakota is directly responsible for the population boom and town development the state experienced in the early 1900s.
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Enticed by the promise of opportunity, many immigrants and East Coast residents hopped on the train and headed west, many settling in South Dakota. Railroads opened the doorway and made the West what it has become. Using over 200 images, authors Mike Wiese and Tom Hayes take the reader on a historic tour of the depots, trains, and wrecks that defined South Dakota railroading in the early part of the 20th century. Drawing on their immense collections of images and postcards, they tell a story of railroad development and local history in South Dakota.
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