The CCC Museum Store
Category: Books  Listing Date: 2022-02-20  Product ID: 369

The Civilian Conservation Corps: In and Around the Black Hills
Author: Peggy Sanders
Publisher: Published by Arcadia
Photo history with about 220 photos with captions.
Includes Tax
The Civilian Conservation Corps was established on March 31, 1933 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) as part of his efforts to pull the country out of the Great Depression. The program lasted until July 2 1942, successfully creating work for unemployed young men across the nation. Paid one dollar a day, each man was required to send home $25 a month; the program provided work for young men as well as support to thousands of families. South Dakota was home to more than 50 camps over the nine-year time span with projects in areas ranging from constructing bridges and buildings in state parks, thinning trees in national forests to mining rock, crushing it into gravel, and graveling roads. Although this volume is set in South Dakota, the photos are representative of camps and men from all over the nation who served in the CCC.
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