Category: History  Date: 2015-10-09
16 Bon Homme Boys
Choose 16 Bon Homme County Boys From List of 35 Applicants; Will Leave Tomorrow
The new group of boys, who were selected for CCC camp work, is to leave Tyndall tomorrow, Friday morning, for Sioux Falls, where they will join recruits from other sections of the state and go on to one of the Hills camps.
Bon Homme County had sixteen to go this time. There were 35 applicants and the names were sent to Sioux Falls where the selection was made. Those selected to make up the quota are: Geo A. Kiterman, Albert Slavik. John Kroll, W.W. Sears, Geo. Dobesh and G. Zapletal, of Tyndall; Billie Borton, Edward Petzoldt, Howard Beachem, Harold Diede and Robert Keegan, of Scotland; Simeon Luke, Jr., Avon; Henry Pishek,Tabor; John DeRoos, Running Water and Walter Fitch, Springfield.
Many of the boys who have been at the camps for one year are being released and their places filled by new recruits. This is the plan that each boy should find other work after one year, giving others an opportunity to earn some money and also not getting them used to this kind of labor, which will be of short duration at the best.

Tyndall, South Dakota. March 39, 1934.
George Dobesh, Tyndall, S.Dak.
Dear Sir:
Please accept my congratulations in receiving your appointment as one of the boys from this county to go to one of the C.C.C. camps in the Hills; this is a signal honor for you and you should be proud of it.
Be sure and be at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Friday, April 6th, 1934, not later than 9 o'clock in the morning at the Recruiting office in the post office building and by all means take along the enclosed application blank which is signed by yourself and Governor Berry as State Relief Administrator: if you come to Sioux Falls without this blank you will not be accepted.
Your transportation costs between Tyndall and Sioux Falls you will have to pay yourself and after you have been sworn in and examined, the Government will pay your expenses from Sioux Falls to the camp.
You should come prepared to go directly to one of the camps after passing your examination and bring along whatever clothing and personal belongings you wish to take to the camp with you.
If you have no car, you should be able to find some patriotic citizen in your town that would haul you there free of charge.
Very truly yours,
J. J. Maus, Relief Director
16 Bon Homme County Boys From List of 35 Applicants Will Leave Tomorrow