Category: donation
Black Hills Echoes - June 1942
This issue of the Black Hills Echoes states that Deerfield Dam To Be Constructed. Will Cover Approximately 300 Acres.
Authority has been received to do all work preliminary to the construction of the huge Deerfield Dam, which is to be built in a valley near Deerfield. The building of roads, the crushing of rocks, constructing of camps, stripping foundation, and other preparatory work to the main construction will get under way at once.
This huge dam will be 128 feet from the bottom foundation to the top and will be 800 feet along the top. A total of 50,000 cubic yards of fill will be needed for this great piece of construction. There will be a concrete conduit about 500 feet long and 6 1/2 feet in diameter and a concrete spillway capable of discharging 13000 second feet when the dam is completed. It will cover approximately 300 acres and hold about 1,000 acre-feet of water.
The purpose of the dam is to supply water for the city of Rapid and also for irrigation of the valley below Rapid City.
Black Hills Echoes reports that Deerfield Dam is to be constructed.