Merle E. Nelson
Hurley, SD
1935, 2750, Fruitdale (Orman Dam), BR-2,
In September 2018 Merle E Nelson's niece and husband visited the Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota. Mr. Nelson was in the CCC with Company 2750, Camp Fruitdale in 1935. There were no photos of Merle on record at the museum, but it was learned that he had also served in the Navy during WWII. A photo from 1944 was provided by Pam Nelson Bataillon, Merle Nelson's niece.
Before the Bataillons left South Dakota, they visited the Fruitdale (Orman Dam) site and provided the photos included below.

Do you have additional information about Merle Nelson
We would like to included it. Please write or email us at History "at" SouthDakotaCCC "dot" org.