Category: donation

That CCC guy!
"This is how I met my husband of nearly 62 years come March 18, 1999. My mom was moving to town from the country, my father having passed away. She had five children and I was the oldest girl. They had a little farewell for her and there was that handsome guy in the maroon outfit - a CCC guy (Civilian Conservation Corp) and he fell for me and I for him.
"It will be 62 years in March. We have 3 girls, the first one a 2 lb. 6 oz. girl, Marlene Wrage. She'll be 60 on January 26th. It has been a very interesting marriage."
. . . . Florence Wrage, Parker, SD

Posted with keywords: Henry,Florence,Wrage,Crow Creek,CCC,Civilian Conservation Corps,donation,Carmen Van Dyke,guy,husband,