Category: donation
Ben Petranek Photo Collection
Ben Petranek as well as other men serving the CCC in South Dakota were identified from photos donated by Rod Petranek. The nearly 100 photos received at the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota will allow museum staff to add identifed CCC Boys' photos to individual records. Many of the photos have not been seen and will be unique among the collection.
The photos below are from this wonderful collection. They were taken mostly in 1934 and in or near Camp Pine Creek. This camp built the dam that forms Horsethief Lake near Mount Rushmore. Other projects that this camp participated in include Iron Mountain Road and the famous Pigtail Bridges.
Custer State Park Zoo
Nearly 100 photos received at the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota.Posted with keywords: Ben Petranek,Rod Petranek,1793,Pine Creek,Horsethief,Neddles,Spearfish,Iron Mountain Road,Pigtail,bridges,photos,CCC,Civilian Conservation Corps,donation,Wyoming,Mount Rushmore,