The Official CCC Museum of South Dakota

The Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota is located 23935 Hwy 385, Hill City, SD 57745 in the Hill City, SD Visitor Information Center in the heart of the Black Hills. Make this museum part of your travel plans. Close to 1880 Train and Museum, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wind Cave National Park, Jewel Cave, Custer State Park, and many many more attractions!
The CCC Museum of South Dakota is the home for an ever growing collection of photos, artifacts and of course the roster of the great men who's work is still very relevant today. Tourism in South Dakota would not be what it has become without the incredible accomplishments of the CCC. Find out why today's South Dakota owes a debt of gratitude to the CCC Boys and what they did for development, preservation, and education. Discover the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps and visit the many sites that still have remnants of the past. Bring the whole family to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota and begin your plan to discover, or rediscover the CCC in South Dakota.
Preserving America's Natural Resources 1933-1942. Out of the economic chaos emerged the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The goal was two-fold: conservation of our natural resources and the salvage of our young men. The work of America's young men dramatically changed the future. More than 30,000 men contributed to the many significant projects in South Dakota and were able to help support their families back home.