Category: Event  Date: 2017-04-14
NAI Visits CCC Museum
On April 7, 2017 twenty two (22) members of The Heartland Region of the National Association for Interpretation visited the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota. This group consists of interpreters from state parks, county agencies, museums, zoos, park districts, recreation facilities and many other public and private organizations in Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Manitoba, and Nubavut.

Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota is located in the Visitor Information Center 23935 Hwy 385, Hill City, SD 57745

Hill City Chamber of Commerce Directory Janet Wetovick-Bily greeted the group when they arrived and showed them to the museum. A museum volunteer was on hand to answer questions from, and ask questions of the group's members.
After the museum the Visitor Information Center staff provided details about Hill City and South Dakota as well as the group's other area destinations, Everything Prehistoric and Museum at Black Hills Institute, Prairie Berry Winery, and Naked Winery South Dakota.
Later in the day Jay Miller and wife Janée visited the museum. Mr. Miller is the current board president of The National Association for Interpretation, a professional organization dedicated to advancing the profession of heritage interpretation.

Heartland Region of the National Association for Interpretation visited CCC Museum of South Dakota.