Category: History  Date: 2024-05-27
A Day of Memory
May, 1942 The Este Ripples Page 8 (Camp Newspaper)
Seventy-four years ago, the boys in blue assembled in every city village and hamlet churchyard pursuant to a general order issued by General John A. Logan then commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Custom has grown until it has decreed that May 30th of each year be set aside by the American people to pay tribute to their heroic dead. This we do with humble reverence in our hearts for those who so devotion to the service of their country caused them to fall, not apart, but together in the supreme sacrifice.
Our soldiers of every war were as today, citizen soldiers, called to the ranks from civilian occupations. By this reason our citizens and our soldiers alike have reflected into the life of America invaluable service both in times of war and times of peace.
This is a day of memory. Some of us stand with bowed heads and thoughtful eyes, remembering the past. But this is a day of duty, with tasks and issues. With reverence we look back, and with courage we look ahead.
We believe in the traditions of our people. We believe that next to God is country, and next to religion is patriotism. As we reverently garland the graves of the heroic dead in a great brotherhood of thoughtful service.
Chaplain Kern
So with an equal splendor
The morning's Sunrays fall
With a touch impartially tender
On the blossoms gathered for all.
Under the sod and the dew
Waiting the Judgment Day
Garlands of flowers for the Blue-
Garlands of flowers for the Grey.

The Custom has grown until it has decreed that May 30th of each year be set aside by the American people to pay tribute to their heroic dead.