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Este Ripples August 1941
After a stay of almost seven years at Park Creek, we were informed on July 25th that we must abandon, without delay, our old home.
This information was received with a tremendous lack of enthusiasm by all and sundry. But orders - even unpleasant ones, must be obeyed, so bag and kit we moved 18 miles south to Camp Este.
No one likes to move and we are no exception. After all, we had put seven long years of improvement into our home. So we griped.
Our first impression was not favorable. We find our camp site here partly on a hill, partly along a highway. Park Creek was level.
We have no well kept areas of law here. Many of the buildings are a narrow gauge type and built on a bias.
A sense of humor helps a bit. One of the barracks - No. 10 - is almost out of the camp area and is known as Joe Odegard's side camp.
The camp newspaper from Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Este has been reproduced and is part of the reading materials at the CCC Museum of South Dakota.
Camp Este August 1941 Newspaper