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Civilian Conservation Corps
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The Civilian Conservation Corps did a lot of great work in South Dakota between 1933 and 1942. If you have information about men or projects, please contact the CCC Museum of South Dakota.
New Recruit Handbook
During the first few days of your life in Co. 792, you may find it difficult to accustom yourself to...
Harney Peak Memories
George Roe visited the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum of South Dakota in 2012. He was part...
Victoria Lake
The concrete dam at Lake Victoria was damaged during the Rapid City flood on June 9th, 1972. The dam...
35 Skunk This Month
He was not so enthusiastic about an association with a skunk he met in close quarters
CCC Camps in 1933
List of first the CCC Camps. Some of them received "Bird Cages" from the US Post Office.
Army Personnel Changes
Lieutenant Norman R. Smith, Company Commander, was called to active service the fore part of this mo
Life in a CCC Camp
Jay Hendrickson can still remember it.
Open House 2015
Special guests were CCC workers: Jay Hendricksen, Hill City; Pat Ryan, Custer; Elmore Omdahl, Rapid
CCC Museum Open House
CCC Museum of South Dakota 2015 Open House
Garvey Returns
Lt. Dale Garvey, Former Junior Officer, Returns as Commander of Co. 4726
Horsethief Lake
Horsethief Lake was created in the 1930s when the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built a dam on P
Pelican Paradise
Civilian Conservation Corps workers built dikes and water control structures that eventually resulte
Reunion Dedication
A.J. Williams, Iven Jacobson, Jay Hendrickson, Jayson Dykstra, Melvin Hermanson, Stanley Hawthorn an...
Multi Repurposing
Regenerating a building by modifying someone else's creation into a new form and function, under res
Memorial Day 1939
The torch of liberty and freedom has been handed down to us so let us not fail our fallen heroes.
Hills Forests Ready
New legislation would put several hundred men to work
First in South Dakota
Este was the first South Dakota camp opened and one of the last closed.
The Emergency Conservation Work Act and put into action by President Roosevelt.
FDR Wins Election
We advocate an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures.
Total Items: 115 on 5 Page(s)